after a hiatus from the ring I returned to make
a  HUGE  come-back .....  

Aug 22,  2003           Outback ASC show
Winners  Bitch   -  for a 5pt major !!
& my lil nephew Chevy - Winners Dog & Best of Winners

& then  at  Sunday's show .....
Aug 24,  2003          Outback ASC show
Winners  Bitch - a 5pt major !!
a  new  ASCA  CHAMPION :-)
& my lil cousin Asia went Best of Opposite Sex
Since finishing my title,
I went on 'maturnity leave' to have my first litter
NEW YEAR Litter '04
('click' on MY KIDS above)
am now in training for the obedience ring
Boston's Photo's - '03

click on the thumbnail photo's below to see a LARGER view