If you are reading this, chances are you already have an AUSSIE you love and want to know more about.  Let's think for a moment why it is that we love this unique breed called the Australian Shepherd.

AUSSIES ARE SO SMART! Yes, they are.  They are so bright they can outwit the person who doesn't take time to train them.  Take the time to give your AUSSIE the training and attention he deserves.  Everyone loves a dog who doesn't jump all over them in their favorite dress, or one that comes when called.  Once your AUSSIE understands what you want of him, he will do his best to please you.

AUSSIES ARE SO ACTIVE! For the active family that is terrific.  For those of us who are gone long hours during the day, make the time to play with your AUSSIE when you come home.  Take him on his leash for a brisk walk.  Play fetch with a ball or frisbee in a fenced in area.  Give him a job to do - bring in the newspaper, watch the kids, drop the dirty socks down the clothes chute or teach him a new trick.

AUSSIES ARE INCREDIBLY LOYAL TO THEIR FAMILIES!  Properly socialize you Aussie with people and other animals.  Help him become a confident, friendly dog that is neither too shy or aggressive.  Attend an obedience class, or try an agility class where he'll learn not only basic commands, but have fun running over obstacles while learning to listen to you.

AUSSIES ARE A GREAT DOG FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY!  They love kids when raised with them.  They are not so big as to scare Aunt Alice when she comes over, yet they are big and tough enough to herd stock on even the largest of ranches.  Males range from about 20 to 23 inches at the shoulder with females between 18 and 21 inches.  Their medium fluffy coat will benefit from a good thorough brushing once or twice a week and their short stub tail will never send papers flying off your cocktail table.

AUSSIES ARE VERY VERSATILE AND WILLING! You bet they are. An AUSSIE can fit into a number of situations as long as it is given the time and attention necesary for each.  They make a great house pet and will love to sleep at your feet each night (or, if he hs his way, in bed with you).  They are however a highly active dog and will need plenty of outside walks, games or fobs to do.  If left outside during the day make sure your AUSSIE is left in a safe enclosure.  AUSSIES love to run and jump - HIGH!!!!

In short, AUSSIES are an active, intelligent breed that given time and attention are easily trained and make an exceptional companion.
So You Want to Own An Aussie

(Facts About The Australian Shepherd)